Chengdu Huayang Petroleum Vocational School is one of the most prestigious vocational schools in China that offers undergraduate programs in the field of petroleum engineering. The school has been providing academic excellence and professional training for decades, producing thousands of skilled professionals in the field of petroleum engineering. Among the most critical aspects of the academic year is the admission process. In this article, we will explore the 2025 admission scoreline for Chengdu Huayang Petroleum Vocational School.
Chengdu Huayang Petroleum Vocational School has set a high bar for the 2025 admission scoreline that emphasizes academic excellence and competence in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Applicants are required to score at least 380 points out of 750 in the academic assessment, including a minimum of 85 points in mathematics, 85 points in physics, and 85 points in chemistry. In addition, they are also required to score a passing grade in Chinese and English language proficiency tests.
Below are the cut-off scores for the 2025 admission in Chengdu Huayang Petroleum Vocational School:
Subject | Minimum Score |
Mathematics | 85 |
Physics | 85 |
Chemistry | 85 |
Academic Assessment | 380 out of 750 |
Chinese Language Proficiency | Passing grade |
English Language Proficiency | Passing grade |
The admission scoreline for Chengdu Huayang Petroleum Vocational School is stringent, emphasizing academic and language proficiency, which is essential for success in the field of petroleum engineering. It is recommended that applicants invest their time and effort in studying and preparing for the admission exams to achieve the minimum score required for the admission. Chengdu Huayang Petroleum Vocational School is an excellent institution that offers quality education and professional training in the field of petroleum engineering, making it an ideal place for those seeking a career in the industry.
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