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In China, the score of gaokao, or the national college entrance examination, determines a student’s fate for the next few years or even a lifetime. Students are well aware of the impact of their performance in gaokao, especially in terms of which university they can attend. Among the many universities in China, there is a technical vocational college that stands out in particular – the Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College.

The Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College

The Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College is a military-run college under the direct control of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. It is located in the city of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province. The college is a comprehensive vocational college that offers a wide range of majors, including machinery, electronics, network engineering, and more. The college has established a good reputation for its discipline, practicality, and innovation.

The Score of Gaokao for the Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College

As the demand for talent in China's national defense industry continues to grow, more students are vying to enter the Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College. In recent years, the college's admission standards have been steadily improving. For the 2022 gaokao, the admission score of the college was 460. However, with fierce competition, it is expected that the admission score will increase in 2023.

Factors that Affect the Score of Gaokao for the Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College

There are multiple factors that influence the admission score for the Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College. One of the most critical factors is the candidate's major. Candidates who apply for majors such as machinery and electronics will have a higher admission score threshold as those majors are considered to have higher technical requirements. Another important factor is the candidate's high school performance. Students with a better high school performance are more likely to score higher on the gaokao, which increases their chances of being admitted.


In conclusion, the score of gaokao for the Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College is an essential consideration for students who want to pursue higher education in China's national defense industry. Although many factors can influence the admission score, it is expected that the score will be higher in 2023 due to the college's increasing reputation and the fierce competition for excellent students. With hard work and dedication, students can achieve their desired score and pursue their dream major in Hunan National Defense Industrial Vocational College.





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