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The classification exam is an important test for students in China. In 2023, students in Guizhou will take this exam, which includes English as one of the subjects. In this article, we will look at some sample exam questions and discuss strategies for success.

Reading Comprehension

One of the most challenging parts of the exam is the reading comprehension section. Students will need to read a passage and answer questions about it. Here is an example:


In recent years, China has made great strides in reducing air pollution. This is due in large part to government regulations and initiatives. For example, the government set up a system to monitor air quality in major cities, and it has enforced strict emissions standards for factories and power plants.

However, there is still much work to be done. Many rural areas continue to have poor air quality, and some cities still struggle with smog. The government must continue to prioritize environmental protection and work to find new solutions to this complex problem.


What has the Chinese government done to reduce air pollution?

A. Shut down all factories and power plants

B. Built more highways to decrease traffic

C. Enforced strict emissions standards for factories and power plants

D. Encouraged people to drive more cars

The correct answer is C. Students should practice reading passages and identifying key information to answer questions accurately.

Listening Comprehension

The listening comprehension section of the exam requires students to listen to a passage and answer questions about it. Here is an example:


You are arranging a dinner party at your home. You plan to invite six guests. You need to choose a menu that will include a main course, two side dishes, and a dessert.


What must be included on the menu for the dinner party?

A. A main course and two desserts

B. A main course, two side dishes, and a dessert

C. Two main courses and one side dish

D. Two side dishes and two desserts

The correct answer is B. Students should practice their listening skills by listening to English speakers and taking notes.


The writing section of the exam requires students to write an essay on a given prompt. Here is an example:


Should students be required to wear uniforms to school?

Students should plan their essay, organize their thoughts, and write a clear and persuasive essay. It is important to use proper English grammar and vocabulary.


The classification exam in Guizhou is an important test for students. By practicing their reading and listening comprehension skills and developing strong writing skills, students can improve their chances of success on the exam. Good luck to all students taking the exam in 2023!





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