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Sichuan Urban Technical College offers a range of courses for students enrolled in the English preschool education major. This major is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the principles and practices of childhood education as well as modern English language skills. In this article, we will explore the various courses offered in this major.

English Language Courses

English language courses are a staple of the English preschool education major. These courses are designed to help students master English language skills and develop fluency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Some of the topics covered in these courses include grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, and composition. These courses are essential for students who wish to teach English as a foreign language to young children.

Early Childhood Education Courses

Early childhood education courses play a critical role in the development of students enrolled in the English preschool education major. These courses provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the psychological, physiological, and cognitive development of young children. Students learn about the different stages of development, the importance of play, how to manage behavior, and how to create a safe and supportive learning environment for young children.

Practical Training Courses

Practical training courses are an essential part of the English preschool education major, providing students with hands-on experience in working with young children. These courses typically involve fieldwork, internships, and student teaching experiences in local schools and preschools. Students have the opportunity to interact with children, plan and lead activities, and observe the teaching methods of experienced educators.

Specialized Elective Courses

Sichuan Urban Technical College offers a variety of specialized elective courses for students enrolled in the English preschool education major. These courses cover a range of topics such as art education, music education, physical education, drama, and storytelling. These courses provide students with the opportunity to develop specialized skills that can be utilized in their future teaching careers.


The English preschool education major at Sichuan Urban Technical College offers a range of courses designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the principles and practices of childhood education as well as modern English language skills. Whether students are interested in pursuing a career as a teacher or a researcher, this major can give them the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in their chosen field.




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