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Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Public Institution Nurturing Traditional Medical Arts


Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM) is a well-established public university that has been training medical professionals in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for over 60 years. The university prides itself in its education system that has been accredited by the WHO and has produced many outstanding TCM experts who have made significant contributions to the healthcare sector globally.

Public or Private Institution?

SHUTCM is a comprehensive university with a focus on traditional Chinese medicine. It is a public institution established in 1956 and is administered by the Shanghai Municipal Government. It has a strong commitment to nurturing traditional medical arts, promoting academic excellence through research, and enhancing its cultural heritage in TCM.

Recognition and Awards

Since its establishment, SHUTCM has been recognized as a leading institution of TCM in China, and its staff is made up of many pioneering figures in the field. The university has received numerous awards, including the prestigious “National Teaching Achievement Award” for its contributions to teaching and research in the field of TCM. Its faculty members have also been awarded various national and international academic honours for their research in TCM.

Teaching and Research

SHUTCM offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of TCM. The university has established its teaching philosophy of "Excellence in Teaching, Pioneering in Research, and Integration of Traditional and Modern Chinese Medicine," The university has four campuses and offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degree programs. Its research facilities are well-equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and advanced technology.

International Collaboration

Over the years, SHUTCM has developed strong academic collaborations with many renowned universities and research institutions across the globe. This has led to joint research projects, visits by international scholars, and the establishment of world-class centers of excellence in TCM. Students at SHUTCM take part in academic exchange programmes and international conferences, which exposes them to a diverse range of healthcare systems.

In conclusion, SHUTCM is a public university that has gained international recognition for its contribution to the development of TCM. Its commitment to academic excellence, research, and nurturing traditional medical arts has made it a leading institution of TCM in China. It attracts students from all over the world who are seeking the best in traditional Chinese medicine education.





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