Shenzhen Information Institute of Vocational Technology is set to introduce a new comprehensive theory examination in Business English for self-enrolled vocational students by the year 2023. This move is part of the institution's efforts to enhance the quality of education, facilitate self-enrollment, and meet the growing market demand for business English skilled professionals.
The Comprehensive Theory Examination in Business English is a mandatory test for those seeking admission to Shenzhen Information Institute of Vocational Technology. The test will comprise of an aptitude section that will test the students' understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking. The second part will examine business English, which includes reading and writing business letters, preparing presentations, conducting meetings, negotiating with clients, and providing customer service.
The Business English comprehensive theory examination will consist of two parts, as mentioned earlier. The first part will be a written test, whereas the second part will be an oral examination. The written section will test the candidate's English language proficiency with multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay writing. The oral examination will test the ability of the candidate in using English language in practical business settings.
To achieve good results in the comprehensive theory examination for business English, candidates must dedicate time, effort, and resources to preparation. Below are a few tips to help candidates to prepare;
- Practice regularly using business English materials, including company reports, emails, and marketing plans.
- Read and listen to business news, articles, and documentaries to enhance vocabulary and knowledge.
- Improve your writing and presentation skills by attending workshops, reading business literature, and studying case studies.
- Familiarize yourself with the examination structure and practice using past papers.
- Get feedback from a qualified teacher or mentor, identify areas that need improvement and work on them.
As we conclude, the comprehensive theory examination in business English is a great opportunity for aspiring vocational students to gain proficiency in the English language and secure a chance to study in the Shenzhen Information Institute of Vocational Technology. Moreover, the skills imparted in business English are crucial for success in the international job market, where English is the dominant language. Therefore, students must take time to prepare and do their best to secure their future.
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