Single-recruitment exam is an important part of the enrollment process of vocational schools and high schools. Although the exam format is similar, there are still some differences between the two.
The major difference between the two exams is the content. Vocational school single-recruitment exam mainly tests the practical abilities of students, and the questions are focused on the professional field. High school single-recruitment exam is more comprehensive and tests the student's knowledge in various subjects.
Vocational school single-recruitment exam asks questions on the basic theories, practical skills, and operation techniques required for the chosen profession. However, high school single-recruitment exam will include broader questions, including language, mathematics, English, and science.
Vocational school single-recruitment exam questions will be based on the students’ practical abilities, and the difficulty level of the exam will depend on the difficulty level of the profession. In contrast, high school single-recruitment exam difficulty level will be more uniform for all students, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses.
As the vocational school exam will cover more specific and practical knowledge, it might be relatively easier for those who prepared well for the exam as compared to the high school exam. For high school students, the exam will be challenging as it includes a wide range of topics, which requires a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
The scoring system for vocational school single-recruitment exam is different from that of the high school exam. In the vocational school exam, the score is based on the total score and the subject scores. Students that achieve higher scores than the set benchmark will be admitted directly. In contrast, for a high school exam, the score is primarily based on the total score, and it will be used to determine the students' academic levels and potential.
In conclusion, while the single-recruitment exams format may be similar, there are still some differences between the exams. The vocational school single-recruitment exam is more focused on professional fields and practical abilities, while high school single-recruitment exam is more comprehensive and includes a wide range of subjects. Moreover, the exams' difficulty levels and scoring systems are different, and students should be aware of these differences while preparing for the exams.
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