As one of the top universities in China, Jilin University provides students with high-quality education and training opportunities. If you are interested in studying animal or plant-related majors at this university, you may wonder how much the tuition fee is. In this article, we will provide you with the latest 2023 tuition fee standard for animal and plant-related majors at Jilin University.
For animal-related majors, the tuition fee for a bachelor's degree is 23,000 RMB (approximately 3,557 USD) per year. If you choose to pursue a master's degree in an animal-related major, the tuition fee is 33,000 RMB (approximately 5,106 USD) per year. For PhD students in animal-related majors, the tuition fee is 45,000 RMB (approximately 6,950 USD) per year. In addition to the tuition fee, students will also be required to pay other fees, including accommodation and insurance fees.
For plant-related majors, the tuition fee for a bachelor's degree is 21,000 RMB (approximately 3,245 USD) per year. If you choose to pursue a master's degree in a plant-related major, the tuition fee is 30,000 RMB (approximately 4,634 USD) per year. For PhD students in plant-related majors, the tuition fee is 42,000 RMB (approximately 6,483 USD) per year. Similarly, students will also be required to pay other fees, such as accommodation and insurance fees.
To help students who are in financial hardship or who have outstanding academic performance, Jilin University provides a variety of scholarships and funding opportunities for animal and plant-related majors. For example, the Jilin Provincial Government Scholarship is available for outstanding international students. The university also provides research funding and grants for students who excel in academic research.
Overall, if you want to pursue animal or plant-related majors at Jilin University, you will need to pay tuition fees ranging from 21,000 to 45,000 RMB per year. Fortunately, there are multiple scholarships and funding opportunities available to support students who need financial assistance or who have outstanding academic performance.
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