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Nowadays, tourism plays an important role in the global economy, and the number of tourists is increasing rapidly. With the development of the tourism industry, more and more students are interested in studying tourism-related majors, such as tourism English. As one of the key majors in Jiangxi Foreign Language and Trade Vocational College, the requirements for the cultivation of tourism English majors are high.

Curriculum Design

The curriculum of the tourism English major at Jiangxi Foreign Language and Trade Vocational College is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the tourism industry and to equip them with strong language skills. The courses include language skills, tourism strategy and planning, tourism culture, business communication, and so on. The curriculum introduces students to the fundamentals of tourism and trains them to communicate fluently and effectively in English with people from various cultural backgrounds.

Language Proficiency

Language proficiency is one of the most important requirements for students majoring in tourism English. At Jiangxi Foreign Language and Trade Vocational College, students are required to achieve a certain level of language proficiency before they graduate. This includes reading, writing, speaking, listening, and translation skills. The college has a language proficiency test at the end of each academic year to assess the language ability of the students. To improve their English proficiency, students also have the opportunity to take part in various English competitions and activities.

Practical Skills

In addition to language proficiency, practical skills are also important for tourism English majors at Jiangxi Foreign Language and Trade Vocational College. The curriculum is designed to provide students with practical skills such as tour guiding, customer service, hotel management, and event planning. To help students gain real-world experience, the college also arranges internships for them in tourism-related industries. These internships enable students to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical situations and enhance their employability.


The requirements for the cultivation of tourism English majors are high at Jiangxi Foreign Language and Trade Vocational College. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in language skills, a deep understanding of the tourism industry, and practical skills. These requirements enable students to pursue successful careers in the tourism industry and make meaningful contributions to the global economy.





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