Suzhou Jianxiong Vocational and Technical College is a well-known institution of higher education in China. The college has laid out its plans for the enrollment of undergraduate and junior college students through its independent recruitment program in 2023. This article will discuss the details of the plan.
According to the plan, Suzhou Jianxiong Vocational and Technical College will independently recruit students in 2023 for the bachelor's degree program. The specific number for enrollment will be determined based on the number of applicants and the school's development needs. The college will also evaluate applicants based on their academic performance, comprehensive quality, and social practice experience.
In addition to recruiting undergraduate students, Suzhou Jianxiong Vocational and Technical College also plans to recruit junior college students through independent recruitment in 2023. The junior college enrollment plan includes multiple professional fields, such as engineering, finance, and others.
To apply for university or junior college admission, students must comply with certain requirements. The college requires applicants to hold a high school diploma and pass the National College Entrance Examination or equivalent exam. The admission process will evaluate applicants based on their academic performance, comprehensive quality, and social practice experience.
Suzhou Jianxiong Vocational and Technical College's independent recruitment program has several advantages. Firstly, through independent recruitment, the college can select students with a relatively strong learning ability and comprehensive quality, which is beneficial to the overall quality of the school. Secondly, it can supplement the school's professional strengths and cultivate professionals targeted for industry standards.
In conclusion, Suzhou Jianxiong Vocational and Technical College's independent recruitment plan for undergraduate and junior college students in 2023 is a comprehensive and beneficial measure. The program will select a group of students with excellent academic performance, comprehensive quality, and social practice experience, laying a solid foundation for their future careers.
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