Question:If you want to apply for a job and write a letter of application, which of the following expressions is incorrect?
A. I believe I am well-qualified for the position.
B. I am very interested in the position you advertised.
C. I want to apply for the job in your company.
D. Your company is recommended to me by my professor.
Answer:C. Want to apply for is too weak an expression considering the formality that goes with this kind of letter. Suggest applying for the job is better.
Question:For A, B, C are rational numbers, and A/B < C/D, then which of the following is right?
A. A < C, B < D
B. A < C, B > D
C. A > C, B < D
D. A > C, B > D
Answer:B. Since A/B < C/D, then A/B - C/D < 0, which means (AD - BC)/BD < 0, and hence AD - BC < 0. Since B and D have the same sign, then AD < BC, which also means A/B < C/D, is equivalent to A/D < C/B, hence A < C, B > D.
Question:What is the basic principle of confidentiality of information on a computer?
A. Information must be kept secret so that only the computer user can access it.
B. Permitted access to information is based on identity authentication.
C. Information must be kept secret from unauthorized viewers.
D. Hackers cannot break the security measures of a computer.
Answer:C. Confidentiality is achieved by limiting access to the information to authorized users, authentication is a way of identifying the users, and security measures can never guarantee that hackers can never be successful.
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